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Our Projects​​

Warm framework for pre-school children

Providing love and security for children

We fund day care centers after kindergarten hours. This framework provides a nutritious hot lunch and supplementary enrichment programs for the children, including preparation for the first grade. The day care centers assure the parents that their children are in loving, safe hands after school hours, which enables them to work with a peaceful frame of mind and prevents their young ones from wandering around unsupervised.

You read it, you benefit

Giving children a gift for life

Reading is a critical and essential skill for all children, however the language gap in many Ethiopian families makes it difficult for parents to help their children gain this skill. The “You read it, you benefit” program connects volunteers interested in donating an hour a week to tutor reading and children who need help.

Empowerment and leadership for youth

Growing the Next Generation of Leaders

We run leadership development programs for youth which include tutoring, educational activities and various volunteer programs. Boys and girls who participate in these programs become ambassadors of change among their peers and serve as role models for young children in the community.

Bar and Bat Mitzvah program

A once-in-a-lifetime happening 

The Bar-/Bat-Mitzvah programs include workshops on personal responsibility, maturity, tradition and activities with the bnei- mitzvah children's parents. At the conclusion of the program, a special festive celebration is held in Jerusalem which includes a trip to the Kotel and Jewish heritage sites and a celebration party for the participants and their families.

Vocational training

Economic and social advancement

We provide vocational training courses for immigrants and help them find work in their field of training. By doing this, we help participants to improve their earning capacity and promote their social status

Removal of Tattoos

Support and funding

The “Successful Aliya” project has received many requests from women who want to remove the cross tattoos which had been made when they were little girls. The crosses were made against their will to mark them as Christians in order to save themselves from anti-Jewish pogroms in Ethiopia. We help these women by covering the costs to remove the tattoos and thus contribute to improving their self esteem and simplifying their integration into Israeli society

The largest Seder in Israel

Experiencing freedom together

Each year, we have the largest Passover Seder in Israel, in which approximately 1600 members of the Ethiopian community in Jaffa participate. Tens of volunteers from all over the country come to celebrate the holiday in together with the Olim and contribute to the success of the event. In preparation of the Seder, we arrange a series of workshops and preparatory lessons for all ages in the community so that we are as ready as possible for the evening in which we proceed from slavery to freedom.

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Successful Aliya Project

In cooperation with the “Aviv HaTorah” and “Ish Lere'ehu”

הרשמו לרשימת התפוצה שלנו

הישארו מעודכנים

פרויקט עלים בהצלחה

בשיתוף עמותת אביב התורה וקרן איש לרעהו

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